Saturday, July 28, 2007

India Group's comment on the movie "Hero"

The movie Hero starring Jet Li portrays about the events that happened in China even before Jesus Christ was born. Click here to know more about the movie.

While watching the movie, it seem so boring at first, maybe because of the language used, and you still need to go through the subtitles just to understand the conversation of the characters. But as we go along, fight scenes between Nameless (Jet Li) and Broken Sword (Tony Leung) caught our attention which made us focus more on the film. Amazing utilization of swords and other fighting weapons are really remarkable on these kind of movies. Characters uses these weapons gracefully that makes us wonder, "How did they do that? They seem like dancing while fighting!"

Just like Mr. Delos Reyes said after we played the film, flashbacks of the stories with its different colors signifies something. For color connotations, click this link to know the symbols and psychology of colors.

Even though the movie made us so confused because of so many flashbacks, somehow it gave us the idea on how does the Chinese live their lives at early times. The movie may not be able to portray the whole history of China, still we had a glimpse of it that gave us the curiosity to know more about China's uniqueness , not only in Asia, but also in the whole world.

1 comment:

dexter'slab said...

What a breif yet concise post. Their's nothing else to be added. Kaya nga I'm having problems on what more to add!hehe
Other groups would focus on the comments nalang.:)
But anyways, thanks for the info floe!